About Us

The author of WOPI tools, Dr. Petteri Niitamo (LinkedIn) attended the PhD program in personality psychology at UC Berkeley as a Fulbright grantee in 1986-1989. Prior to building the WOPI concept he worked as Chief of Psychological Assessment at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in 1993-2002. He has served as an Adjunct Professor of competencies and psychometrics at Aalto University in 2004-2012 and has written textbooks on motivation, interviewing and assessment methods at work.

WOPI is a comprehensive competency system with its hub in 14 basic competencies: personal ways of working, handling information and looking at the world and oneself. Basic competencies underlie and guide all educational, occupational and job specific competencies, currently facing disruptive changes.

Buros Center for Testing is a nonprofit organization within the University of Nebraska with the mission of improving the science and practice of testing and assessment. The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY; first edition in 1938) and the Tests in Print series are standards in the field. The world's premier test reviewer has conducted a dual peer review on WOPI in the 20th edition of MMY.

The International Test Commission (ITC) is a nonprofit association of national psychological associations, test commissions and test publishers committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies, development and uses of educational and psychological instruments. Competence Dimensions Ltd, the publisher of WOPI is Affiliate member of ITC among international test publishers.


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